1) Supporting services for trademark registration
We offer various supporting services for the acquisition of trademark rights including applications to registration procedures in more than 160 countries and areas where trademark systems and laws exist.
Establish a list of goods/services for trademark application in Asia
Most of Asian countries adopt original system to determinate list of goods and services. We help and give assistance to Non-Japanese clients how to establish their lists in order to protect their trademarks in the best way in Extreme-orient.
Offering support for trademark protection in Asian countries
2) Consulting Services
According to the management needs of a company, we offer synthetic consulting services for intellectual property rights. We will help you find and work out strategies for intellectual assets that a company should aim for in the future.
Trademark basic consulting
This is a consulting menu aimed at creating added value of intellectual assets, including brand and intellectual property rights which are important elements for increasing a companies value. We offer consulting services about the basic operation of effectively increasing the worth of a brand, a very important management resources for a company
Consulting for trademark application strategies
We adjust and propose efficient and effective application strategies based on an analysis of the present protection situation.
3) IP Seminars and IP News
Every three month, we invite our local associates and ask them to organize a seminar in Japan in order to intensify relationship between our local associates and our Japanese customers
4) Management Service
We offer a system which strategically manages the intellectual property rights of a company using internet technologies.